How to Become the Lover She Craves
I guarantee that it didn’t even cross your mind to include your sex life in your resolutions. (Your secret’s safe with me). Whether you're in a long-term relationship or just looking to improve your intimate connections, one thing's certain: being a great lover isn't about pulling the same rabbit out of the same bag every damn time.
It’s about discovering new ways to make her feel like the queen she is, physically and emotionally; you gotta be fresh, novel, and unexpected to steer her desire, and we’re here to help.
In this Drawlz guide, we’re dishing out six guaranteed ways that you can be a better shagger in the new year and leave a lasting impression for many years to come. Get ready to take notes and have an open mind; let’s get to it.
Topics Covered in This Guide
5. Jekyll and Hyde That S#!t
Women love the "Jekyll and Hyde" effect when it comes to intimacy — this means being a dominant, assertive force one moment, and then switching to a tender, passionate lover the next.
It’s key to read the room and know when to take control and when to soften the mood. When you’re in control, you exude confidence, assertiveness, and masculinity. You’re commanding attention, and the energy is intense, electric. This makes your partner feel desired and secure.
But when you flip the switch to being gentle, affectionate, and caressing, you balance out the raw intensity with intimacy and tenderness. This contrast creates an emotional rollercoaster of pleasure, keeping her on her toes and deepening the connection between you both.

Women enjoy the dynamic range in these moments—too much of one and not enough of the other can make things feel one-dimensional. But when you master the art of switching between dominance and tenderness, you keep things exciting, passionate, and deeply satisfying.
4. Quit Porn
One of the most powerful ways to ramp up your passion and truly connect with your partner on a deeper level doesn’t even involve her at all. When you stop watching porn, you start to recharge, retain, and recalibrate your sexual energy. By concentrating your sexual focus on one person—your partner—you increase your desire for her.
Here's the thing—when you watch porn, your brain can not differentiate between what's real and what's artificial. Over time, your mind expects an abundance of unrealistic fantasy sex with countless amounts of different partners; as a result, your subconscious equates being intimate with one real woman to eating McDonald’s when there’s pounds of prime rib in the other room. You’ve been primed by these unrealistic images, and your desire to connect with your partner withers.
3. Stop Playing Squirt Hockey
I don’t care what any of these progressive moron college professors are saying these days; masturbation kills everything about your sex life, whereas abstaining from sword polishing shoots your libido to the moon.
By retaining baby butter, you increase your testosterone levels and kundalini energy. As a result, you will feel more assertive, dominant, and masculine—all of which are highly attractive traits that will make you behave differently without realizing it. These behavioral changes will make her stick on you like sweat on a summer day; women truly can sense when a man is loaded to the brim.

Finally, regularly hanging the goose leads to desensitization, which has a direct negative impact on both stamina and endurance. When you stop playing hide the hot dog, you allow your sensitivity to increase and your body becomes more accustomed to holding back and controlling arousal. This can help bring your stamina and endurance back to college year levels.
2. Wear Attractive Underwear
You know how much a good outfit can boost your confidence when you’re heading out the door? Well, the same rule applies in the bedroom, but with your underwear. A comfortable, well-fitting pair of Drawlz both elevates your confidence and attractiveness.
Think about it: what would go through your mind if you finally got a woman down to her skivvies, only to find them tattered, stained, and frayed? F%#@$%ng gross right? Well, news flash champ — women think the same thing when they see you in those same pair of Hanes from 2012.
Plus, showing that you pay attention to your style even down to the underwear truly sets you apart from the competition. Feel good, look great, and widen your aura with the 2025 DBC Gold Pack, available for a limited time to celebrate our fifth anniversary.
1. When She Says Don’t Stop, Don’t Stop
I get it. You want to feel like a champ when it’s your time to shine; it’s encoded in our DNA. But our brain’s grown since the ice age — a real pro knows that the key to keeping her coming back for more is putting her pleasure first.
Pay attention to her cues—whether it’s through her body language, the sounds she makes, her touch. Listen . When she says, “right here”, or “don’t stop”, do not change what you are doing, and for the love of God, do not stop.
The more you focus on her pleasure, the more likely she is to return the favor and leave you both feeling fully satisfied. Make her feel like the center of your world, and she will make you hers long after you finish the deed.
Leave Her Screaming and Speechless
If you take the time to put in the effort, control yourself, and redirect sexual urges, everything about your female interactions will improve, not just sex. While some of these points take practice, their long-term benefits far outweigh the short-term suffering. Remember, “The pain of regret is greater than the pain of discipline”.
Embody the best sexual version of yourself and hers will closely follow. Got any other solid pointers? Let the community know in the comments.
Thanks for stopping by, until next time.
Founder & Designer | Drawlz