The Drawlz Guide to Magnetic Attraction: Part Two
Since you guys loved the last Drawlz Attraction Hacks Guide so much, we’re going to dive even deeper into the world of becoming a charismatic, confident, attractive man to any woman who’s blessed enough to cross your path.
The last guide covered some basics, but today we're going above and beyond. Enjoy this second round of unexpected hacks and secret weapons that can make you truly irresistible, only at Drawlz.
Topics Covered in This Guide
1. The Subtle Art of Mirroring
Mirroring is a subconscious way to build rapport by subtly mimicking someone's body language, speech patterns, and even facial expressions. This creates a sense of connection and understanding, making the other person feel more comfortable and at ease. However, don't be too obvious about it. Mirroring should be subtle and natural; if she picks up that you’re mirroring her, it’s instantly game over unless you can recover with a clever joke.
2. The Art of Touch (But Do It Right)
A gentle touch can create a connection so long as the energy behind it is about showing respect and genuine interest. A touch on the arm, a hand on the small of her back – these subtle gestures can make her feel special and valued. However, be mindful of her body language and personal boundaries. If she seems uncomfortable or subtly tenses up when you reach for her, forget about it. Play the long game and have her touch you first.
3. Make Eye Contact (But Don't Stare)
Eye contact is a powerful tool, an unmistakable signal that you're engaged, present, and interested in what she has to say. However, don't overdo it; over-sustained eye contact too early in an interaction can come across as creepy. Keep it natural and let your eyes do the talking — eye contact is a two-way street. If she's not looking back at you, she’s not worth your time. Move on, king.
4. A Strong Handshake is Significant
A firm handshake is a sign of confidence, respect, masculinity, and self-assuredness. A weak, limp fish handshake on the other hand (pun intended) can leave a negative impression that just can’t be shaken off. Practice a firm handshake that shows you mean business without breaking the woman’s delicate bones; firm but not painful.
5. The Power of a Warm Smile
A genuine smile is like a beacon of positivity, effortlessly saying, "I'm approachable, friendly, and I enjoy your company." Don’t be afraid to flash those pearly whites and let your inner joy shine through — a warm smile can light up a room and make you instantly more attractive, a truly underestimated and underused tool.
6. Strategic Vulnerability
Vulnerability can be incredibly attractive, or incredibly unattractive. Sharing your thoughts and feelings about her shows that you trust her and that you're willing to be open. On the other hand, at the end of the day, you’re a man and she’s a woman. Lean on her once in a while, but handle yourself. Nobody, especially a woman, wants to deal with an insecure, whiny man-child.

The Magnetic Man
While physical appearance plays a role, it's not the only factor that determines attraction. These unexpected hacks can help you connect with women on a deeper level and make a lasting impression. Remember, confidence, kindness, and genuine interest are the keys to unlocking your magnetic potential.
Be sure to check out our previous attraction hacks post in case you missed it. Thanks for stopping by, until next time.
Anthony, Founder
Drawlz Brand Co.