Go From Gray Hair to Great Sex
No matter what your age is, there’s a fact of life you can’t escape – as we get older, things change. Gray hairs start to appear, and our bodies might not bounce back like they used to.
The good news is that when it comes to sexual wellness, aging doesn't have to be a buzzkill.
In this ultimate guide to sustaining male vitality, we're diving into some practical strategies that will keep your mojo alive and well as you mature gracefully.
If you’re on the younger side, you’ll thank yourself later for incorporating these habits into your life now. Let’s swap those gray hairs for great times in the bedroom.
Topics Covered in This Guide

Exercise for Endurance
“Exercise not only changes your body, it changes your mind, attitude, and mood as well” - Unknown
Eat Food That Fuels Your Performance
“Eat to fuel your body, not your emotions” - Unknown

Water is Your Wingman
Just like food, hydration is essential for overall health, and it's no different when it comes to your sexual wellness. Being properly hydrated ensures your body has enough extra blood volume to pitch a tent and keep it there so you can enjoy your night in the bush.
On that note, make sure your partner drinks up as well so she can keep things flowing smoothly down under.
“Water will cleanse your system, fill you up, decrease your caloric load, and improve the function of all tissues" - Kevin R. Stone
Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor with Kegels
“40% of men with erectile problems regain full function after six months of pelvic exercise" - Reader's Digest, Canada

Sleep for Sexual Vitality
“Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together" - Thomas Dekker
Manage Stress
“Elevated levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, does reduce our desire for sex" - Georgia Grace

Talk About It
“Sex should be a deepening of communication, not a substitute for it" - Marianne Williamson
Boxer Briefs: The Unsung Heroes
Last but not least, what you wear matters. Opt for comfortable and stylish boxer briefs like our Drawlz. They provide the perfect balance of support and breathability, making you feel confident and comfortable – an essential component of sexual wellness and appearing appealing to your partner. Plus, the science tells us that boxer briefs are the overall healthiest choice for men's sexual wellness.
Shop the wide selection of Drawlz boxer briefs below to find the perfect match for your lifestyle.
Can exercise really improve sexual stamina?
Are Kegel exercises just for women?
How does hydration affect sexual wellness?
Can stress really affect my sex life?
Yes, stress can have a significant impact on your sex life. High stress levels can lead to reduced libido and performance anxiety. Finding healthy ways to manage stress can help improve your sexual wellness.

Aging gracefully doesn't mean giving up on your sexual wellness. By incorporating these practical strategies into your life, you can continue to enjoy a satisfying and vibrant sex life as you age.
Remember, it's all about balance, communication, and taking care of your overall health. Follow these guidelines to swap those gray hairs for great times in the bedroom and embrace your mature, confident self.
Until next time,
Founder, Drawlz