how to last longer in bed: a mans guide

Don’t Rush the Rush: How to Last Longer in Bed

Stay Stronger for Longer

We all want to be the hero of our own romance-action movie.

Whether it’s a lingering embrace or an electrifying encounter, having the stamina to go the distance can make a world of difference. We put so much time, energy, attention, and effort into the moment of making the beast with two backs, so why not make it last as long as we can?

In this guide, we’re diving into unexpected hacks and habits that’ll help you keep the energy flowing longer than ever. You might find yourself nodding along, shaking your head, raising your eyebrows, or bookmarking this for later — whatever the case may be, it’s time to sit back, relax, and pay attention as we help you master the art of endurance.

1. Slow the Hell Down

You don’t need to hit the ground running; as a matter of fact, your female friend will probably not appreciate you going pedal to the metal right off the bat.

For the first few moments of the main event, go slow and sensual; take your time so you both feel every bump in the road. This gets her warmed up, prolongs your performance, and adds a touch of sensuality that every woman craves.

2. Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor Muscles

You might not think about it, but your pelvic floor muscles are the unsung heroes of your performance. (The space between your manhood and off ramp) Strengthening these muscles through exercises, commonly known as Kegels, can enhance control of your “holding back” and therefore improve endurance.

To do a Kegel, simply tighten the muscles you’d use to stop draining the main vein, hold for a few seconds, then release. Aim for a few sets a day, and you’ll be flexing in ways she can feel, but won’t see.

Bonus tip: Kegels also prevent incontinence as you age.

3. Pre-Game Warm-Up

Just like any marathon, a solid warm-up routine is crucial for the big game. Engaging in extended foreplay not only enhances intimacy, but also allows you to take your time to build anticipation and excitement.

Explore her body, learn what gets her going, and create a sensual atmosphere that extends the experience for both of you. Once you really get the hang of her, you’ll be able to get her to climax before you even get started. This takes the pressure off of you and gives you the confidence to really take the reins when it’s time to get on the horse.

4. Fitness is Your F****ng Friend

Regular physical activity isn’t just good for your heart; incorporating cardio and strength training into your routine can improve heart strength and circulation, therefore increasing stamina.

In a nutshell, the more you strengthen your heart through exercise, the easier it is for blood to flow to where it’s gotta go to make things grow for the big show.

Consider activities like running, swimming, or jump rope to keep your heart rate up and your energy levels high. TLDR; the more fit you are, the longer you can last.

5. Treat Food as Fuel

What you eat impacts your performance in more ways than you realize. Foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and healthy fats can help boost your libido and stamina. Think berries, nuts, and leafy greens.

On the flip side, avoid heavy, greasy meals the day of the big event. You’ll feel sluggish or bloated when it’s time to perform, and it can even restrict blood flow to the big guy, preventing any sort of climax whatsoever. You beat yourself before you can even get started.

6. Explore Different Positions

Changing things up can make all the difference; different positions not only add variety to your encounters but can also help you control your stamina. If you find yourself feeling a bit overwhelmed, try positions that allow you to take a breather or slow things down.

A few good positions to last longer include reverse female rider, spooning, and side-by-side. If none of these appeal to you, look for positions that have shallow thrust, complexity, and allows you to relax and breathe.

7. Mind Over Matter

It’s no secret that your brain plays a major role in how long you can ride the road. When it comes to the main event, staying mentally engaged can help you maintain your stamina.

Practice mindfulness and focus on the experience rather than fixating on the finish line. Techniques like deep breathing and visualization can help you stay in the moment and enjoy every second. What you do outside the sack matters, too. Incorporating habits like yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises can enhance your mind-body connection and over time allow greater control over your o.

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From Quick Draw to Long Haul

If you choose to implement these strategies, you’ll not only enhance your performance, but also strengthen your connection with your partner. Remember, confidence is key, and the more comfortable you are in your own skin, the more enjoyable the experience will be for both of you.

Thanks for stopping by, until next time.


Founder, Drawlz


How can I tell if my performance issues are due to anxiety or a medical condition?

If you’re experiencing ongoing difficulties with performance, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional. They can help determine if your issues stem from anxiety, stress, or a medical condition and suggest appropriate treatment options.

Is it normal to have performance issues occasionally?

Yes, it’s completely normal to have occasional performance issues. Stress, fatigue, and even lifestyle factors can play a role. The key is to communicate openly with your partner and seek support if these issues become frequent.

What role does hydration play in performance?

Staying hydrated is essential for overall health and can significantly impact your stamina. Proper hydration helps maintain energy levels, circulation, and overall well-being, contributing to better performance.

How important is communication with my partner regarding performance?

Communication is crucial in any intimate relationship. Discussing preferences, concerns, and desires can enhance the experience for both partners and help address any performance-related issues together.


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